If the player is controlling the Ogre-Trolls, you can build almost anything anywhere you want: everything is green! (Last chapter of Part 1).

krisserz Sounds MelNefys Remaining Trycex Footman16 Homor Note: If you find one of your resources in this campaign and you are not mentioned in the credit list, please contact me. Goblin Sin’dorei300 leopard BlazeKraze Null Eagle XI Alexen r.ace613 loktar murlocologist Paladon DarkFang KelThuzad Mc! Golden-Drake 13lackDeath Yours Truly Ginufe Kam Explobomb San Marcos DAB 84chrome Scias Deleted member 157129 stonneash Chucky Solu9 The Panda Blood Raven kingluis Ceterai TheKaldorei PeeKay -Berz- Rmx Ujimasa Hojo CRAZYRUSSIAN Blizzard Entertainment Karmaman56 Kuhneghetz CloudWolf Archangel_Tidusx GreyArchon asdasdgfrw OgeRfaCes Storm_PCF Palaslayer bu3ny Mister_Haudrauf Wildfire General Frank Synthax Kisuke Vinz Achille Spells nanotech KILLCIDE Daffa T.D.W. Goblin Tranquil Hayate stein123 bioautomaton wojia10502 Daelin PrinceYaser Wandering Soul Sin’dorei300 Hexus Uncle Fester hellblazer-14 darkdoom adiktuz mapper GrayArchon MatiS HerrDave MN Lahmar SinisterX Mike unknownczar kellym0 Trollschnitzel Figueiredo00 Hexus levigeorge1617 Solu9 Static s4nji PROXY Elunes-Guardian Rubellu Didus Shadow_Killer Mc! takakenji Kino SuPa- Himperion Tarrasque ChevronSeven Pyritie hantoo Heinvers Hellx-Magnus Skins Chr2 deleted member 157129 Karmaman56 Cloudwolf Heinvers 67chrome Blood Raven Icons ~Nightmare NFWar Artork312 loktar chilla_killa FvckTP Technomancer genin32 Sapprine Exarch bigapple90 Mr. Champara Bros crill-mister Metal_Sonic supertoinkz mephestrial Edge45 Red XIII Tauer Sellenisko Tamplier 777 bisnar 13 Vinz JetFangInferno Frostwolf bakr Yours Truly Explobomb amigurumi Lord_T Direfury eubz apaka Child_0f_Bodom Skipper PrMosquito General Frank Master Haosis Shardeth Mister_Haudrauf Misha kangyun Exyte Alok Redsteel1 Rubello Sidus Sellenisko Kuhneghetz FerSZ terrio JesusHipster Callahan JetFangInferno WyrWuulfe -Grendel PurpleFoot Tillinghast Liomsi Deolrin Cavman Hawkwing Mr. Models johnwar Ujimasa Hojo loktar Forgotten_Warlord Stefan K.