All while reducing the environmental impact of your operation. – while starting to use PF on old savegames the fertilized state of the field is translated into more initial nitrogenĬrop sensors and various mechanics for dynamic yield improvement and crop care help you to save seeds, lime, fertilizer, herbicide, fuel and, in the end, money.

– sprayers with spot spraying equipped will now only spray fertilizer on spots were needed – fixed environmental score with soybeans – fixed issues while no fields have been owned yet – influence of single fields to the total environmental score is now depending on the field size – oilseed radish now increases nitrogen by 25kg/ha – mulching and rolling have again a yield impact That includes four different soil types and soil sampling, economic analysis and an environmental score for your farm.

Make your virtual farm eco-friendlier and more sustainable: The Precision Farming Free DLC introduces new gameplay mechanics based on real smart farming technology.